Thursday, June 11, 2015

Study on round knife cutting machine

Introduction: round knife cutting are used for fabric cutting in the garments factories. Through it is not used as commonly as the straight knife cutting machine but for some specific purpose round knife cutting machine is normally we for small production.
  • To know about the machine parts
  • To obtain a clear knowledge

 round knife

Machine parts:
  1. Handle
  2. Motor
  3. Power switch
  4. Blade
  5. Threat plate
  6. Base plate
  7. Central handle
  8. Power supply
  9. Sharpner push rood button
  10. Locking disc
  11. Guard
  12. Grease inlet
  13. Emery wheel

  1. We observed the working system, along with the machine parts of the machine
  2. We took some fabric and cut it by the help of the machine
  3. As well as we know about the machine carefully

Conclution: Normally round knife machine is used for small production. It is handing operation is easy. But it is RPM is Low. By the experiment about this machine.

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